| Website Onboarding Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.First Things FirstPlease introduce yourself to us (Property Name): *All things MediaPlease upload all the requested content: herePlease make sure each section below is a folder within the main file and name accordinglyLOGOS: Logo in ALL formats that you have, especially High Resolution.WEB DESIGNS: Any designs of web adverts or flyers used for marketing.CI / BRAND GUIDE: Current business card, letterheads, signatures, fonts and colours used.PHOTOS: All photos of the property sorted per room type/areaIf you could not upload everything we asked for, kindly indicate when we can expect to receive the outstanding information *Website AccessPlease provide full hosting and domain access or contact details of hosting company Hosting logins (Username, Password & Login URL) or contact person (Name, Email Address & Phone number)Hosting Access *Please provide full access to your current website or contact details of web design company Website access (Username, Password & Login URL) or contact person (Name, Email Address & Phone Number) Website Access *Have you provided hosting access to the domain or contact of the current hosting Company?YesNoHave you provided admin access to the website or contact of the current website maintenance Company? YesNoPlease provide Google Analytics access to quivertreedigital@gmail.comDoneN/AAnything else regarding website access we should know ? *Submit